6th, 13th and 20th of March 2020
Three informal evenings with the collaborative cinematographic work of Iain Sinclair and Chris Petit.
Film projections in presence of the author(s) (06/03 and 20/03), and interactive conversation with invited artists (Christoph Fink, Thorsten Baensch de Barteleby and Co, Anne Penders).
A program proposed by Adolfo Barberá del Rosal, Patrice Neirinck, Marc Godts, and L’escaut, in collaboration with Iain Sinclair
Free entry. Reservation only.
Please reserve at
7 PM: doors opened
8 PM: film projection
9 PM: after talk
Every evening : Installation of LONDON ORBITAL (2000). Duration 77 minutes, on replay, original language english
Friday March 06 :
ASYLUM (2002). Duration 56 minutes, original language (English).
With presence of Iain Sinclair and Chris Petit
In conversation with: Adolfo Barberá del Rosal
Friday March 13 :
THE FALCONER (1998). Duration 56 minutes, original language (English).
With presence of Adolfo Barberá del Rosal
Friday March 20 :
THE CARDINAL AND THE CORPSE (1992). Duration 38 minutes, original language (English).
With presence of Iain Sinclair
In conversation with: Adolfo Barberá del Rosal
Follow link for Facebook event.
Image: Iain Sinclair and Chris Petit. Still from: LONDON OVERGROUND (2016) John Rogers (director).